Manuela is a trilingual actor based between Vancouver and New York City.
She's a Venezuelan-American raised in Canada with a passion for new, necessary storytelling on stage and screen.
Manuela holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Simon Fraser University in French and Theatre, and a Master of Fine Arts in Acting from Columbia University.

..." a few players are worthy of the highest commendation. Manuela Sosa, a MFA candidate who portrays Frida Kahlo in the show, is truly the most exciting actor to watch. She is nothing short of a commanding presence, captivating the entire audience every time she steps onto the stage."
- Jake Tibbettes Columbia Student News
"I must emphasize how bewildering the experience was: twice in the play, impassioned dialogues between lovers transform into full-on dance sequences. Paulina’s (Manuela Sosa) flamenco stomping, in particular, was rather unexpected and highly memorable."
- Levi Cohen Columbia Student News

"as played by Sosa, Stella reveals herself to be a woman of indomitable will... In a bravura scene the physical and psychological toll Pedro Sr's illness is taking on Stella is made clear as Sosa skips rope while reciting a litany of Pedro's symptoms, the drugs he's taking, and the food items she's daily consuming from the vending machines in the hospital; Sosa does not miss a beat on either count."